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Three Kinds of Sweet and Sour Beef

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Although the phrase "Sweet and Sour" is often seen on the menus of Oriental restaurants, many cultures make food interesting by contrasting those flavors. This recipe is not for a Chinese Sweet and Sour Sauce; it is a Middle-European one. It may be used to make three traditional Kosher favorites: Meatballs, Brisket, and Roast Tongue. (Not pickled Tongue) Any of these meats may be cooked separately, then baked in this sauce for 30 minutes to impart flavor.

If you are preparing Meatballs to have with Pasta, it is an excellent idea to make a double batch, one each for use with a Tomato sauce and this one. The same may be said for a Brisket or other Pot Roast. Make twice the normal quantity, serve half with its own gravy, then slice and bake the other half with this for an entirely different flavor. Since the first step to making Roast Tongue is to boil it, and it takes the same time to boil two as it does to boil one, you might want to do that. In each instance the plain meat can be frozen, until you are ready to bake it in the sauce.

This can be prepared in the time it takes to thaw the meat in the microwave. All the ingredients may be kept in the cupboard indefinitely, until needed. Since the baking time is only 30 minutes, it is a nice way to have a special dinner in little time. Do not try to freeze meat in the sauce. Because of the high Sugar content, it will not freeze properly.

Sweet and Sour Beef should be served with Noodles or Spaetzle, so every bit of the sauce may be savored. Just add a Vegetable, and you will have a festive meal.


16 ounces Plum Jam or Preserves (not jelly)
2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
2 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
2 teaspoons Mock Beef Bouillon Powder
2 teaspoons ground Allspice


Place all the ingredients in a saucepan. Cook and stir together Until the Jam melts. Pour over cooked Meatballs, Brisket or Tongue should be sliced between 1/4 and 1/2 inch thick. Cover with aluminum foil, and bake for 30 minutes.

This can also be a Braising sauce for Brisket or Pot Roast. To do that, add 2 cups of Water. Then bake the browned Brisket, in a covered pan, at 325 degrees for 2 1/2 hours. Check occasionally to ensure that there is enough liquid in the pan.

To prepare a Tongue for roasting: Place in a large pan and cover with Water. Add 6 Bay Leaves and a coarsely chopped large Onion. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 2 1/2 hours. Remove from water. Allow the tongue to cool, then peel and slice.

Meatballs should be baked or fried, and drained of fat, before being covered with the sauce. Most basic recipes for Meatballs will work with this sauce.

Copyright 2002 Eddy Robey
Excerpts from It's Not Just Chicken Soup.
hosted by the Gantseh Megillah

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