This and That
Issue: 6.07 this is column 203
July 8, 2005

Jewish Adoption and Foster Care Options (JAFCO) has an excellent Web site that explains the services they provide Jewish children and families.  I urge you to visit them at and to take a look around at all they have to offer.  Here is a brief description as it appears on their home page:

Nothing is more tragic than a family torn apart. When a child is removed from his family, he leaves behind what he has known and takes with him his fears, anger, hurt and insecurities. JAFCO believes that we can provide one less obstacle in the healing process by providing a child with a familiar cultural and religious environment. Every child deserves a safe and loving home.

JAFCO is a fine example of the value Jewish people put on family relationships and parental guidance.  It is another form of Tikun Olum, where by helping children we continue to improve the planet as a whole.  Please visit JAFCO and learn about their goals, purpose and activities.

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