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Passover Coconut Pudding

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The dessert for a seder is often a real challenge. Why is this night different from all other nights? Because folks who would otherwise enjoy all sorts of sweets, suddenly start behaving as though nothing but flour-based baking will do. This is just silly. Rather than being joyous about our sumptuous banquet of freedom, people start making jokes about deprivation. Well, nobody who enjoys this treat is doing without in any way. It's simple to prepare, and a perfect foil for the lovely fresh Strawberries which are in every market during Springtime. This recipe can be doubled or tripled to suit the number who will be at table, and can be made the day before your festivities.


1 (10-12 ounce) package Coconut Macaroons, any flavor
1 quart Coconut Milk
4 Eggs
1 tablespoon freshly-grated Lemon Zest


Crumble the Macaroons into a large mixing bowl. Pour the Coconut milk over them, and set aside for 5 minutes. In another bowl, place the Eggs and Lemon Zest, then beat until fluffy. Add the Egg mixture to the Coconut one, and mix thoroughly. Oil the bottom and sides of a 9x13-inch glass baking dish. Pour the combined mixtures into the dish, and spread evenly. Bake at 325 degrees for about 45 minutes. When it is done, the top will be evenly risen, but will flatten as it cools. Chill, and cut into 12 pieces. To serve, spoon some sliced Strawberries over each portion, or place a couple of large whole ones on each plate.

© Eddy Robey 2011

Copyright 2002 Eddy Robey
Excerpts from It's Not Just Chicken Soup.
hosted by the Gantseh Megillah

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