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Editor's Comment
Michael looks at:
Farewell, Shalom and Adieu

An Open Letter from Abba to His Family

Enough With The Political Finger-Pointing!

Revisiting the Haggadah

Book Review
Unstrung Heroes

Eddy's Recipe List

The Outspeaker
Encouraging violence is never correct

Good times and bad times with Batya

Nathan Weissler
What my friendship with Michael Hanna-Fein meant to me

Marjorie Wolfe
An Interview with Paul Reiser

BC's Backlot
The Last Shalom

This And That
My Treasure Chest

Three Symbols of Passover


Lynn Ruth Miller
How we all became part of a bigger story

Mel Yahre
A few words for my friend

Eddy's Thoughts
Don't let life flutter by

The Bear Facts
How I found Michael


A bit of respite from the heat for all of you. One of these should sooth your fevered brow and over-heated spirits.

Fat-Free, Sugar-Free Iced Cappuccino

Put 1/2 cup ground coffee, 1/4 cup cocoa powder, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon: in the basket of your coffee-maker. Put 1 tablespoon of vanilla in the pot. Brew a full pot. (10-12 cups) When it is done brewing, mix 8 packets of artificial sweetener and 1/2 cup fat-free non-dairy powdered creamer into the pot. You can keep this mixture in the refrigerator til you're ready to use it. whenever you want some, put 6 ice cubes and 1 cup of the coffee mixture in the blender, and mix. It will froth when it is blended.

Fat-Free, Sugar-Free Iced Chai

Put 6 tablespoon black tea, and 1 teaspoon each ground cardamom, ginger, and cloves: in the basket of your coffee maker. Brew a full pot. (10-12 cups) When it is finished brewing, mix 8 packets artificial sweetener and 1/2 cup fat-free non-dairy powdered creamer into the pot. Keep this in the refrigerator. When you are ready to serve, pour it over a full glass of ice.

Fat-Free, Sugar-Free Smoothies

You can get a creamy texture in a smoothie without any fat or sugar calories by using this basic mix. For each smoothie: put 1 banana, 2 tablespoons fat-free non-dairy powdered creamer, 4 packets of artificial sweetener, and 8 ice cubes in the blender. To this add one of the following: 8 strawberries and 1 peeled orange, 2 peeled peaches and 1/2 pint blueberries, 1 peeled mango and the juice of 1 lime, 1/2 cantaloupe and 1 peeled nectarine. Blend until smooth, and serve.

Fat-Free, Sugar-Free Orange Drink

This is a copy of the one you buy in the malls. In a blender: put 2 1/2 cups orange juice, 1/3 cup fat-free non-dairy powdered creamer, 1 packet (4 serving size) fat-free sugar-free instant vanilla pudding mix, and 12 ice cubes. Blend until smooth, and serve.


Copyright 2002 Eddy Robey
Excerpts from It's Not Just Chicken Soup.
hosted by the Gantseh Megillah

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