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Eggs Goldenrod

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Mother Earth is well rested. The Lord of the Winds has come, with his kiss, to awaken her from the slumber Winter's night.
Raindrops has washed the sleep from her eyes, so that she may see her treasures sparkle in the sunshine.
Green Asparagus, red Strawberries, and yellow Daffodils are set out upon her breakfast table. We mortals are invited to share the feast, then walk abroad and enjoy the beauty of her children, the trees.
It is a Sunday in the Spring, time for us to take this day the lord has made, and rejoice. What could be a better way than with a lovely brunch followed by an afternoon in the park?
Below are recipes for a simple, but very pretty main dish and fluffy biscuits for an accompaniment. The only other things you will need are fresh Berries and, of course, a bouquet of Flowers.
Ingredients for the Eggs
1 large bunch fresh Asparagus
6 Eggs, hard cooked
2 cups Half and Half
4 tablespoons Flour
2 tablespoons Sherry
Salt and Pepper to taste
On the day before serving:
Cut the ends from the Asparagus, and if they are thick, peel them.
Place a large skillet, half filled with water on the stove and bring it to a full boil over high heat.
Add the asparagus all at once, and boil for 2 minutes.
Remove them from the pan and immediately place in a bowl of ice water.
Drain and refrigerate until needed.
To hard cook eggs:
place them in a saucepan filled with cold salted water, and bring to a boil over medium heat.
Once the water has begun to boil, time them for 7 minutes.
Drain and peel under cold running water.
Eggs will peel more cleanly, if you place them in ice water while you do them.
Refrigerate until needed.
Whisk the flour and Half and Half together in a medium saucepan.
Set the pan in the refrigerator until needed.
In the morning:
Remove everything from the refrigerator.
Warm the Asparagus in the microwave on high for 1 minute, and divide them betwixt 4 plates.
Set aside.
Cut the Eggs in half, and remove the Yolks to a bowl.
Coarsely chop the Whites.
Place the saucepan over a medium heat, cook whilst stirring, until the mixture just comes to a boil.
Remove from heat, stir in the Sherry and chopped Egg Whites, then season to taste with Salt and Pepper.
Spoon the mixture over the Asparagus.
Crumble the Egg Yolks over the top of the Sauce.

Copyright 2002 Eddy Robey
Excerpts from It's Not Just Chicken Soup.
hosted by the Gantseh Megillah

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