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Adjustable Pumpkin Pudding and Pie Filling

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Everyone knows that the last three months of the year are full of feasting. Unless you have a very rigorous plan for exercise, it's pretty likely that you'll put on a few pounds. Well, that's not necessarily a bad thing; it provides food writers with an opportunity to sell articles on low-calorie food for January editions, since half the world will have made a New Year resolution to lose weight.

Yes, I know that you, along with many others have made a decision to eat responsibly during the holiday season. Perhaps you will; it would certainly be a wise action. However, it does require more discipline than most folks can muster during this season of extravagance.

It seems to me that a recipe which will allow the reader to be in charge of their own calorie count is a good thing. Those of my readers who want dessert to be fattening can enjoy as usual, yet those who must be a bit less self-indulgent are able to make a painless adjustment.

The recipe below may be baked in a rich pastry shell for pie, or baked in a casserole dish for pudding. You will choose two of the basic ingredients to allow for more control. Depending on how you exercise your options this can even be perfect for a diabetic diet.


5 Eggs or equivalent Egg Substitute
1 16 ounce tin Pumpkin Puree
1 12 ounce jar Orange Marmalade - Full, Low or No Sugar versions will all work
1 tablespoon Vanilla extract
1 tablespoon ground Cinnamon
1 10 inch pie crust (Optional)


Place the first five ingredients in a large mixing bowl, and beat until smooth. Pour in to either the pie crust or a casserole dish which has been sprayed with vegetable oil. Bake at 325 degrees for 45-60 minutes. It is done when swelled slightly in the center; it will flatten when cooled. Serve with or without whipped topping as desired.

Copyright 2009 Eddy Robey

Copyright 2002 Eddy Robey
Excerpts from It's Not Just Chicken Soup.
hosted by the Gantseh Megillah

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