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Five-Minute Fudge and Variations (Dairy)

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Wrap Individual Pieces of Fudge for Chanukah Gelt

“Let’s go to his house. His Mom is cool.”

We all have a reputation, and want it to be good. Sometimes, people who have never met us have a feeling they know who we are. If we are parents, we want our child’s schoolmates to think that it would be fun to be around us.

A simple way to do this is to become the Mom who sends good stuff to class parties. This recipe can do that, even for a busy, working parent. It has only 3 ingredients, and can be done in the microwave in less time than a visit to the bakery; 5 minutes total preparation time for the basic stuff of which smiles are made. This is a great last minute contribution to classroom party, because you can keep the ingredients in the cupboard indefinitely.

This has 3 other virtues:  the children can help make it; their friends will think you’re great, because the other moms will have contributed something dull such as carrot sticks, or granola bars; it is so easy that even a father can do it

Below the basic recipe, are simple variations


18 ounces Semisweet Chocolate (3 cups chips or 18 squares)
1 tin Sweetened Condensed Milk (Not evaporated)
1 jar Marshmallow Cream


Put the Chocolate in a large heatproof glass bowl. I like to use a 2-quart measuring cup because it has a handle. Pour the Sweetened Condensed Milk over the Chocolate. Place in the microwave for 3 minutes on high. That time is for a 700-Watt microwave. This can also be done over boiling water if you don’t have a microwave. Stir until the Chocolate and Milk are thoroughly blended. Stir in the Marshmallow Cream until the streaks are gone. Pour into an oiled, 8 or 9 inch square pan. That’s all; when it is cool, it is finished.


Bittersweet:  Use half Unsweetened Baking Chocolate instead of Semisweet. You can experiment with proportions of different varieties until you find what you prefer.

Nut:  Add 1 cup of toasted nuts. Raw nuts are why home made candies don’t always seem as nice as the commercial variety. To toast: place in a dry skillet over medium heat, stir constantly until golden brown, pour onto a plate to cool.

Mint, Raspberry, and Orange:  Add 2 teaspoons of any of the above extracts

Mexican:  Add 2 teaspoons Vanilla and a teaspoon of Cinnamon.

Mocha:  Add a tablespoon of Instant Coffee dissolved in 2 teaspoons of Rum Flavoring.

Peanut Butter:  Use Peanut Butter flavored chips, rather than Chocolate, or stir 1 cup of Peanut Butter chips into Chocolate Fudge.

Marble:  Make 1 batch using Semisweet Chocolate Chips, and 1 White Chips. Fill a large oblong pan with alternating spoonfuls of each color. Swirl with a knife.

Copyright 2002 Eddy Robey
Excerpts from It's Not Just Chicken Soup.
hosted by the Gantseh Megillah

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