This and That
Issue: 6.09  
October 8, 2005
A tribute to one of our own

I am delighted and proud to announce the recognition by the Jewish Women's Archive of Megillah family member Sonia Pressman Fuentes as part of their online exhibit "Jewish Women and the Feminist Revolution."

Our Sonia is one of 74 Jewish women who is being paid tribute for her contribution to women's rights in the Unites States.

Among the activities Sonia engaged in to better the lives of women in the U.S. were her being a co-founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW) and her role as the first woman attorney in the Office of the General Counsel at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

I urge you to read her wonderful memoir titled "Eat First -- You Don't Know What They'll Give You, The Adventures of an Immigrant Family and Their Feminist Daughter." I had the pleasure of reviewing this book in the Megillah. You can read my review at

You can also visit the "Jewish Women and the Feminist Revolution " exhibit at the Jewish Women's Archive Web site at
JWA Exhibit. There are several ways to access the material Sonia contributed to the online exhibit.

1. The Timeline: Sonia’s photograph of the founding conference of NOW is featured right at the beginning of the timeline. If you click on this photograph, you will get to the “object record page” on Sonia, which includes her personal statement, bio, and the two photographs she submitted to the exhibit.

2. The Collection: in this section of the exhibit, you can search for people and artifacts by name of person, format of artifact, topic, date, and keyword. So you can find Sonia under her name in the “Person” category, under “Photograph” in the “Format” category, under “Politics” in the “Topic” category, and under “1960-1969” in the “Date” category. If you click on the results, you will be directed to the object record page for each one.

Mazel Tov, Sonia. Your recognition and tribute are well-deserved, and although I admit to having a slightly prejudiced eye on this matter, I must say, it couldn't happen to a nicer person.

To learn more about Sonia, please visit her Web site at
Sonia Pressman Fuente's Web site
