
Enlitened Kosher Cooking
Issue: 7.10
November 15, 2006
Nechama Cohen

Sitting in a dentist’s office waiting room, I looked for something to read and there on the table was a cookbook! Of course…what else would I choose to read? When Dr. Stern came out and saw me looking through the cookbook he excitedly told me that this is a book I must have… and he was right.

Nechama Cohen, author of Enlitened Kosher Cooking (Feldheim, Oct. 2006, $39.95) is the founder and CEO of the Jewish Diabetes Association, but this book is not just for diabetics, nor is it just a cookbook; it’s a way of life. There are more than 250 good carb, healthy fat, sugar free recipes from the simple to the elegant in it. Though healthy by design, this is a book for everyone, whether you’re trying to watch your weight, on a specific diet or just trying to eat healthier. It is in the “must have” category. The photography is gorgeous and the wealth of information will have you coming back to it time and time again. I’ve tried several of the recipes and there was not one of them that made me feel that I was sacrificing taste for calories or fat.

Although Enlitened Kosher Cooking is beautiful enough to sit on your coffee table, put your other cookbooks away. This is one that will sit in your kitchen, well used. The author proves that chicken soup doesn’t have to be greasy, chocolate mousse doesn’t have to be full of fat, and chopped liver doesn’t have to be high in cholesterol. There are suggested complete menus for Shabbat, and all the Holidays, including Pre-Yom Kippur and Tu B’Shevat as well as the major holidays.

This is one cookbook you won’t regret buying.

Reviewed by: Sue Epstein
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