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The Gantseh Megillah

The Myth of the Iron Dome
January 8, 2010

We kept hearing about how the iron dome would reduce attacks on Israel by the Arab terrorists in Gaza and what had been known as Gush Katif.

The Israeli media put all its faith in the technology that a "machine" would catch the weapons before they landed in Israel.

Now we're hearing some common sense from experts that it's no great panacea.

The Arabs will continue attacking us. They'll just attack more and more and try to get through the "shield."

We must stop the attacks, the physical military attacks and the legal ones, too. Various countries have been using a new weapon against Israel, "international law." Israel must protest and withdraw its ambassador from any country which institutes law suits against Israeli officials for alleged "war crimes." Forget fighting the law suits as legal problems. It won't help.

PS Why doesn't some international civil rights group give us cameras to record our lives? Are they afraid to learn the turth?

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