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Peace, That's The Problem
May 15, 2008

This post has been "festering" in my mind for awhile, but it only came to a head at the recent Yom Zikaron-- Soldiers and Terror Victims Memorial Day. One of the songs used as "background" mentioned "peace."

Forever, it seems, Israel has been striving for peace, willing to do everything for peace. That's the problem.

We should be doing everything plus, not for peace, for VICTORY, victory against our enemies. Only when we defeat our enemies will we know peace, true peace.

All of those praising peace as an ideal, whether Peace Now or the late Menachem Begin have been dangerously wrong and misguided. We are suffering from peace-caused terror.

By not concentrating our energies in defeating those who want to destroy us, we are facilitating their strengthening. Just look at what has been going on, even before the State of Israel was established. All that talk about living with our Arab neighbors in peace, as if we're sharing some fancy apartment house.

The Arabs understand the situation very well, unlike the Jews. For us to have real peace we must understand our enemies and we have to be victorious. Life is no yin/yang coexistence. In real life all people aren't equal; that's anarchy. Consensus is mediocrity at best. Some people are meant to lead. It's not that they're aggressive; they are more efficient. Think of all the jokes about committees.

Everyone is different; that's how G-d makes us. We all have different talents and roles. Our opportunities should suit that pragmatic reality.

To think that some sort of peaceful compromise can be made with terrorists is totally dangerous, suicidal and unrealistic!

I remember being asked by immigrants of the former USSR why Israel doesn't celebrate Victory Day, what they called the anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany. They got it right in that sense.

We have to stop being embarrassed about our victories.

* If only we had proudly celebrated our 1967 victory over Egypt, Jordan and Syria...
* If only we had immediately settled our liberated HolyLand with total enthusiasm...
* If only we had built the Third Temple on Har HaBayit (the Temple Mount) immediately after our victory, instead of giving our very holiest spot to our enemy...

I have no doubt, no doubt at all, that the Moshiach (Messiah) was here with us, ready to take us to true peace. But we sinned. I must say "we," because we're all responsible. Jewish prayers are in the plural, "our G-d," never "my G-d." To get back to such a lofty level will be difficult. We must be proud of our military might, not embarrassed by it.

In 1967 we defeated our enemies in six days, six days like the six days of creation. The True Shabbat was about to begin. Shabbat is considered by chazal, our sages, as a taste of Redemption. But the key was given to our enemies and we will have to fight again until we understand that victory is our goal. G-d willing.

Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach
May you have a Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath.

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