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The Pathetic Worship of FDR
February 14, 2008

With the hindsight of history and the physical distance between Israel and the United States, I see things from a very different perspective.

American Jews for generations now have been worshipping FDR and been more loyal to the Democratic Party than to Torah and Mitzvot. Bill Moyers little speech is so typical.

FDR became US President during the Depression. Just like "whatever goes up must come down," after a financial depression there will be an improvement in the financial situation. Ups and downs are normal fluctuations, especially when the down is followed by a war which jump-starts industry making lots of people rich and providing jobs for all willing to work.

FDR was president during WWII, when the United States was the leader of the Allies who defeated the Nazis. Considering that the US was never really in direct danger, being protected by geography, the US only joined the fight when it felt it had no choice. At the end of the war, the anti-Jewish Holocaust was revealed.

Defeating the Nazis to save Jews was never part of the war plan. The US would never endanger its soldiers for some Jews, but American Jews adopted the fantasy that the US went into Europe to save Jews from Nazi murder.

This fallacy is worshipped more than G-d Almighty. How pathetic and maybe it explains some of the Israeli public's acceptance of corrupt politicians and dangerous policies. Ordinary people don't look at the "fine print."

Shabbat Shalom

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