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Gush Katif and New Orleans, a Connection?
September 9, 2005

I've been reading all sorts of posts and articles claiming connections between the suicidal destruction of Gush Katif by the Israeli Government and the destruction of the American city of New Orleans by hurricane and the resulting floods.

There are those who write that American President George Bush is being divinely punished for forcing Israel to destroy Gush Katif.

I have a real problem with such a philosophy. There are many reasons.

One, I don't blame George Bush for destroying Gush Katif. He's not the elected ruler of Israel. Personally, I didn't even elect him President of the United States. In principle, I don't vote in American elections, even though I'm a full citizen and may according to American law.

The government and politicians who should be punished and will be punished by G-d, whether in this world or the next, are Israeli. Only the Israeli government is responsible.

If there's any connection, it's G-d's message to the world reminding us of His power. And then He allowed us to see the evil in man, when the rioting, looting and shooting began in New Orleans. The man-made violence endangered the rescue operation. And going a little deeper, not meant as a pun, why was New Orleans so vulnerable?

New Orleans is built, or was built in a part of the earth not meant to be a city. It's existence is against the laws of nature. Dikes and dams were constructed to keep the land dry for people. They held well in normal weather, but this last hurricane was too strong and they just couldn't hold back the massive floods.

Men, with their knowledge and engineering skills were sure that they could overrule the topography, the earth created by G-d.

In the war of man against G-d, G-d won. And maybe there is a connection to Gush Katif. I correct myself.

G-d is reminding all of us, that He has power over all.

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