The Gantseh Megillah

From the Desk of the Khoyle
February 14, 2010

Shalom My Gantseh Megillah Family and Friends,

This has been a very difficult time for several of our regular writers, as well as your editor. Due to primarily health and other problems, this month's Megillah is somewhat abbreviated. I originally thought about cancelling the February issue, but decided instead to push ahead as best we could so as not to disappoint our loyal Megillah family.

Permit me to outline a bit of what has been occurring behind the scenes:

1. Our man in Hollywood, Brian Corleone, has been working very hard on shooting and directing the pilot of his new television series, which has kept him tied-up fulltime with the day-to-day demands of production. Although, of course, this is wonderful news, and no one deserves it more than Brian, it is expected that he will finally return to his Megillah desk for the March issue. Good luck with the TV show, Brian, and please keep us informed of the details of the program.

2. Our dear Eddy Robey has undergone very tricky surgery, and, after a difficult time, is now beginning to recover from her painful ordeal. Even though Eddy has been experiencing a great deal of pain, she was able to provide us with a column and recipe. This is truly one remarkable lady.

3. Sadly, Mel Yahre’s beloved wife Arlene is experiencing complications from several orthopaedic surgical procedures. Mel and Arlene are one of the most devoted couples I have ever been blessed to know. Mel is at Arlene’s side constantly, while he also deals with serious pain in his knees. He has put off surgery until his Arlene is recovered. Yet, with all of this going on in Mel and Arlene’s life, he was able to provide us with a beautifully touching and spiritual column which must be read.

4. Finally, on the evening before a scheduled surgical procedure for which I waited several months, I took a serious fall and severely injured the left side of my body. For the past couple of weeks Arnold has had to lift and carry me whenever I needed to move out of necessity. It is expected to take about another two weeks or so before the bruising will heal enough for me to enter the hospital for my long awaited surgery.

I am so proud of our entire Megillah team for extending themselves to put out our February edition. Their dedication and motivation is indeed touching. I also want to thank all of our Megillah family for the good wishes I have been receiving via email, phone calls and cards. It is your loyalty and dedication that makes all of our efforts worthwhile.

So, as you can see, the February issue was indeed a struggle to produce, but I am glad to finally offer it to you on this Valentine's Day, along with lots of love.

Remember, your donations are always needed and appreciated. Please click on this link or go to the Donate button at the top of this page.

Much love and gratitude to all of you,

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