Published 5/1/2002
by Eddy Robey M.A.
  Issue: 3.05
Memories of Magic
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Once upon a time, I was a heroine, with astounding powers.

In the middle of the night, those ominous hours when the monsters came, none of them dared defy me. I had only to enter a room and sing, for the most horrific of them to flee at the sound.

There were dangers lurking everywhere: sharp stones to scrape the skin from unwary wanderers, carnivorous beasts lurking to torment victims with unbearable itching, and invisible forces which would strike at random to roil the innards. None of these were able to resist the potions from my laboratory.

Whenever sadness visited those under my protection, I stood ready to drive it away. With super-vision, my eyes could find just the right star for wishes. Though the spell might take a bit of time to work, it was amazing how often I could conjure the object of happiness.

That was long ago. I taught others my skills, and with time, the calls for help came less often. My achievements passed into the mists of legend. To see me now, you would not know that I was once the most magical of women.

There, in the corner, sits the evidence of my prowess. See the strongbox? Open the lid, and look amongst the yellowing papers. Ah, here it is, after more than a quarter of a century, that precious testimonial:

I love you, Mommy, Happy Mother's Day

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