Published 5/5/2004
by Eddy Robey M.A.
  Issue: 5.05
On the Road
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Ooh, I just love driving in May. Upon entering the car there is a real thrill of anticipation. Why? Mother's Day is coming, and so is my favorite gift of the year.

It started years ago, when my boy was a young'n without much to spend. One year, I told him that he really didn't need to blow his allowance buying me yet another bath set, there was something that would be much better, and it wouldn't cost him a cent.

Naturally, his eyes brightened at that thought, and so did mine. We made a trip to the store for supplies, then Giles detailed my car for Mother's Day. Now, this was no easy chore, but he settled down to work, with the only condition being that I was not allowed to peek until it was finished. Wowee! Wheels glistening, tires cleaned and shining with wax, paint job gleaming, upholstery scrubbed, and not a single crumb or bit of dust anywhere to be seen inside. He even used cotton swabs on the air vents.

We hopped in, and I felt like a queen driving him out for a well-deserved ice-cream sundae. He's been doing this for me for twenty years, and it is just as wonderful as ever. I start talking about it a month ahead of time, lest he get any notion that I really need some perfume or dusting powder.

That little guy without much pocket money grew up to become a doctor. His time is sure worth a lot more these days, but he still cleans my car himself. Nothing on Earth could be more precious.

There is nothing more guaranteed to make Mom feel special than the gift of time. We don't want fancy buffet brunches with too much fat and sodium for them to be enjoyed without guilt. If we want to smell pretty, there is nothing to stop us buying our own fragrances, and having fun accumulating the gifts with purchase.

What do we need? Someone to clean the oven, and spare our backs those hours of bending over. Help to reach the top shelves, so we can reorganize the linen cupboard. A pair of non-arthritic hands to write a new address book for us from all those scraps of paper in the drawer. A long conversation and foot massage from loving fingers.

We don't need bouquets delivered by strangers. Just hand us a dandelion from the lawn, and spend a few hours. Remember, the most beautiful sight we ever saw was your first smile, and we enjoy the ones today just as much.

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