Published 5/1/2003
by Eddy Robey M.A.
  Issue: 4.05
A Few Words From Mom
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It is almost Mother's Day: restaurateurs are planning grand buffets, florists filling their order books, and jewelers are wrapping tiny packages. Each of them says their offering will make Mom happy. They are wrong. If you want to know what will really make your mother smile, take a look below.

"Better not run with that thing; you'll put your eye out."
Take life one cautious step at a time. you are so precious.
"Don't make an ugly face; it might get stuck that way."
I cherish all your smiles, and want the world to admire them too.
"If everyone else jumps off the Brooklyn Bridge, it doesn't mean you should."
Have what makes you happy, don't settle for anyone else's dream.
"I only want what's best for you."
Someday, I will not be there to protect you, but am hoping to help keep you safe after I have gone.

We don't need fancy meals or flowers. It would be just as much fun for us to make you some scrambled eggs, and the best bouquets are a few dandelions in a jelly jar. Truth to tell, we don't need to receive anything at all, just for you to take the gifts we try to give, and hold them close to your heart. Talk with us, and hear the love we speak. You see, we held the most wonderful present of all years ago, when someone put you in our arms. Now, all we want is the time to enjoy you.

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