Published March 7, 2005
Ask Rabbi Dan
by Rabbi Dan S. Wiko PhD
  Issue: 6.03
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Rabbi Dan discusses the relevance of Purim in today's times.

Purim is, in a very real sense, the story of each and every one of us; the mindset that allows us to see a threatening situation, examine it for potential results, and confront the situation with plans and deeds. 

Set aside, for the moment, the actual historical importance that allows us to live as Jews even after thousands of years of persecution…it itself, a Blessing from Hashem, and see every occurrence as an opportunity for personal and group survival.  

Envision yourself as Mordechai.  You’ve had, until now; a successful life filled with position and acceptance.  Out of nowhere, appears a dilemma; Haman, who threatens not only your existence but that of all those you love and hold dear.

Achashveros, the king, represents the result…his determination will, ultimately, seal your fate.  Queen Vashti represents the “coincidence” that allows you an opportunity to act in your own behalf.  Finally, Esther is the means to the resolution of your dilemma, providing that you utilize “her” to the best of your ability. 

Mordechai seized the opportunity presented by Vashti’s exile from the King’s court, to place Esther in a position in which she could implore the king to rule in her kin’s favor rather than allow for their destruction.  Esther won favor with the king because she employed positive people skills to reach him.  Her beauty, alone, did not win him over…it was her intelligence and resolve.  In truth, Esther represents Mordechai’s thinking “out of the envelope” and his ability to, with G-d’s help (never to be left out of any situation), save our people from certain annihilation. 

When you hear the Megillah read this Purim, do as we are instructed to do with the Haggadah, read yourself into the story. 

Chag Purim Sameach u’metukah…I wish you all a Happy and sweet Purim. 

Rabbi Dan


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