by Eddy Robey M.A.

Mock Smoked Salmon or Whitefish
  This can be a marvelously impressive appetizer or gift. A platter with whole Smoked Salmon Fillets is very elegant indeed.
The flavor of this dish is just the same as the Smoked Fish which is available by mail order from gourmet grocers. Pretty glass platters can be bought very inexpensively in discount stores.
Put the Salmon on a bed of Parsley, cover with Plastic Wrap, and give your friends a treat to remember.
2 Salmon or Whitefish Fillets, as thick as possible and about 12 inches long
1/3 cup Low-Sodium Soy Sauce
1/3 cup Liquid Smoke Vegetable Oil Spray
Pour the Soy Sauce and Liquid Smoke in as small a glass dish as will hold the Fish.
Place the Fish, skin side up in the Soy Sauce mixture.
Place in the refrigerator to marinate for one hour.
Drain and discard the Soy sauce mixture.
Spray a pan with Vegetable Oil.
Place the Fish in the pan, skin side down, and spray with Vegetable Oil.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes, only until barely cooked through.
Chill and serve.
  Copyright 2002 Eddy Robey
Excerpts from It's Not Just Chicken Soup.
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