Published 6/7/2005
by Eddy Robey M.A.
  Issue: 6.06
A Grin for the Morning
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At just about seven o'clock each morning each morning, my best pal and I step outside to have a stroll and greet the world.

"Good morning," I say to a neighbor. "You and Sacha look smiley today."

"We're having a nice walk," he answers. "How are you and Wagsy doing?"

"Oh, we're always happy to be out here," I reply. "Isn't it a pretty day?"

After a few more sentences, we wish each other well, and go our separate ways, feeling glad to have shared a moment.

Our walk will be punctuated with several conversations like that. It's a pretty good bet that Wagsy will see his pals Monty, Joey, and Oscar. Perhaps, we'll spend a few minutes with the two little girls on the next block, who like to take their dolls out for an airing.

There will be plenty to experience: roses in bloom, a couple of baby squirrels racing up a tree, and the lovely scent of gardenias in one pretty yard. Wagsy likes to leap after butterflies, and I'm particularly fond of watching the sparrows hop in a nearby patch of clover.

A few days ago, whilst walking back to my apartment, I said to myself, "Gee, my life is nice."

The next moment, I almost lost that wonderful feeling. A little voice at the back of my mind seemed to remind me of deeds undone, all the little failures which are part of any life.

Well, I just decided to forget those thoughts, and continue to smile. Okay, I haven't the proverbial pot for a petunia, and arthritis makes my stroll a rather shaky one, but I just can't resist feeling good. A friend is on her way over to visit, and my Scrabble scores were pretty impressive last week.

Learning to ignore negative voices and people is one of the most valuable lessons life has taught me. Sure, there will always be some who say, "Look at that ninny, doesn't she know there's trouble on the way?"

Guess what? Trouble comes, whether you fret or not. You know what else? Joy is always available.

Let yourself be happy. Look at a flower, enjoy a cup of cocoa, listen to a favorite piece of music, and always greet the world with a smile. I promise, you'll get a lot of grins right back, and those are the best gifts any life can hold.

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